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Hacking Tools

Wireless Hacks MegaPack

Wireless Hacks MegaPack - the best final wireless hack 2011 !

Amazing wireless hack pack you've never found !!

Tons of useful wireless hack tools, ebooks,
tutorial guide. There are a lot of wireless signal around you.
Now it's time to use it, absolutely free.

Wireless tools include in this great package:

+ NetStumbler-0.4.0: wireless access point identifier - listens for SSIDs and sends beacons as probes searching for access points.
+ Kismet-2005-08-R: wireless sniffer and monitor - passively monitors wireless traffic and sorts data to identify SSIDs, MAC addresses, channels and connection speeds.
+ Wellenreiter-v1.9: WLAN discovery tool - uses brute force to identify low traffic access points; hides your real MAC address; integrates with GPS.
+ WEP 0.1.0: Unix based-pearl aplication encryption breaker - s 802.11 WEP encryption keys using the latest discovered weakness of RC4 key scheduling.
+ Airsnort-0.2.7e: encryption breaker - passively monitoring transmissions, computing the encryption key when enough packets have been gathered.
+ Wepwedgie-0.1.0-alpha: for toolkit that determines 802.11 WEP keystreams and injects traffic with known keystreams in order to WEP in minutes.
+ Hotspotter-0.4: Wireless client attacking too.
+ and much, much more...

Note: most programs are open source, and very useful if you know what your doing.

Best Hacking Tools Collection 2011

Best Hacking Tools Collection 2011 - a lot of userful hack tools for internet users !

The best of hack tool you've ever found !! 

Gmail hack, Yahoo hack, Hotmail hack, MSN hack, ICQ hack,
AOL hack, Webcam hack and much more...

Detail hack tools in the package:

+ HotMAil Hacker
+ MSN Passwords
+ MSN Flooder
+ MSN Sniffer
+ MSN SPY Lite
+ HotMail Hacker Gold
+ HotMail HAcker Final
+ Give me Ur Pass
+ HotMail Brute Forcer
+ MSN PAssword Finder
+ MSN Password Grabber
+ Hack MSN Password
+ Hack HotMAil Evolution
+ MAgic Password Sender
+ MSN Locker
+ HotMail Killer
+ Hot Freeze
+ MessenPass
+ HotMAil Hack !
+ Ice Cold Reload
+ HotMail Killer 2 Nuke MSNPage 2
+ Yahoo Messenger Login Screen
+ MSN Messenger 7 Login Screen
+ MSN Messenger 5 Login Screen
+ MSN Messenger 4.6 Login Screen
+ HotMail Login Screen
+ AOL Killer
+ B-S Spy
+ Saria Fake LoginsPage 3:
+ Yahoo Password Retrieval
+ Yacam
+ Yahoo Cracker
+ Yahoo Booster
+ Yahoo Hack!
+ Yahoo Password Stealer
+ S-H Yahoo Password SenderPage 4:
+ NetWork Password Recovery
+ Net BIOS Name Scanner
+ FTP Password Hacker
+ Cable Modem Sniffer
+ Port Listening XP
+ Blue Port Scanner
+ XP Killer
+ Sniff Password
+ Port Scanner
+ Fast Resolver
+ Domain Scan
+ Whois Domain
+ NetRes View
+ PHPbb Defacer
+ Angry IP Scanner
+ FTP Brute ForcerPage 5
+ Hook Tool Box
+ Smart HAck UpLoader
+ Remote Anything
+ Post Sage
+ PHPbb AttackerPage 6
+ Skinner
+ MSN Bomber Man
+ Ultimate Nick PopUpz
+ MSN 7 Universal Patcher
+ Emoticons Creator
+ MSN Picture Crawler
+ Anti Status Bomb
+ MSN Detector
+ Multi MSN Loader
+ Kitle
+ Protect Lithium
+ Tray It!
+ MSN Block Checker
+ MSN Auto Responder
+ MSN Virus Cleaner
+ and much more...

Enjoy hacking !!

Bluetooth IVT BlueSoleil

Bluetooth IVT BlueSoleil v6.4, professional bluetooth hacking tool !

Any users like you would ever have the trouble like being
entwined by lots of cables ? You could not let yourself feel free, and you
can just
 do one thing during the busy time.

BlueSoleil 6 is one of the most popular and professional Windows-based
Bluetooth application, emerging from IVT by great innovation and independence,
fulfilling all demands of an integrated wirelessly accessed a wide variety of Bluetooth enabled digital devices, such as mobile phones, headsets, printers, keyboards and so on. You can
also form networks and exchange data with other Bluetooth enabled computers.

+ Now, BlueSoleil 6 will bring you a new wireless Bluetooth life, you could transfer files, photos, music, videos and any other data without any cables. Meanwhile, you are enabled to connect with other people via BlueSoleil 6. It is the most valuable software for you to share joy with friends and families. All of these just take you a short time to learn how to use the program. Besides, the reasonable price is also deserved you to take it home!

+ What's more, two new features have been added, which are "Phonebook" and "Messages" management. You could view and manage all contacts of your mobile phone from BlueSoleil 6 and a necessary backup of your contacts could be done by BlueSoleil 6 wirelessly. You could easily type long messages directly from BlueSoleil messages dialogue which is very convenient and fast.

Hacking tools 2011 Mega Pack

HACKING TOOLS 2011 MEGA PACK - Extreme hacking tool free for all !

A must have hacking tool for all !

Hack Tools MegaPack Complete A to Z Tools
to hack MSN ,Hotmail Yahoo Account...

Contents of the package:

+ Fake pages(Phising Pages)
+ MSN Fun Tools
+ Hotmail Hacker
+ MSN Flooder
+ Hotmail Killer
+ MSN Spy lite
+ Msn Chat Hack
+ MSN Password Retreiver
+ Hotmail Hacker Gold
+ Fake MSN Messenger
+ Fake Login Hotmail
+ MSN Chat Monitor and Sniff
+ Hotmail Brute Forcer
+ and much more...

The Best Hack Tools Collection Ever

The Best Hack Tools Collection Ever, free sharing for everyone

A lot of the best hack tools you've ever had before !

Security, Serial Software, Chat, Mail Bomb, Ping & Nukes,Keyboard Key Logger, Port & IP Scaner, Credit Card Generator,Password Recovery Tool and much more...

1. Clients
back orifice source
BackDoor v2.0
DeepThroat v3.1
Doraah War Engine v1.0b
Hack 'a' Tack v1.20
Http Bomber v1.001b
Kuang2 Client v0.21
NetBus v1.20
NetBus v1.70
NetBus v2.0b Pro
SchoolBus v1.85
Shadow Remote Administator & Control v1.04
Shadow Security Scanner v5.07
Shadow Security Scanner v5.21
SubSeven v2.1 Gold Edition
SubSeven v2.1
Vampire v1.2
WebCracker v4.0
WinCrash v2.0
wwwhack v1.913

2. Security
Anti-Keylogger v2.1
Anti-Trojan v5.5
Local Port Scanner v1.2.2
NeoTrace Pro v3.20
NeoWatch v2.4
PestPatrol v3.2
ProPort v2.0
Trojan remover v3.3.7
Trojans First Aid Kit v5.0

3. Serial Software
Angus v3.0
Dragon v2.0
KeyGen Killer v1.1
NEO 2.0b
Octavius v2.1
Oscar 2000
Ripper v1.00
Serial-0-Matic v2.4
Serials 2000 Template file - Little Red Wagon
Serials 2000 v7.1 Crew 2001-9-16
Serials 2000 v7.2 BytE RippeR 2003-12-15
Tesla v1.4

4. Chat
Blue Fire v2.5

5. Mail Bomb
Anonymous Mail Bomber
Divine Intervention
Euthanasia v1.52
KaBoom v3.0
Mail Bomber v8.1
Mail Fraud
MiSoSKiaN's Fake Mail
Nemisis Mail Bomber v1.0
Poperganda v2.0
Quick Fyre
Saddamme v0.2
SMS Bomber v1.3

6. Ping & Nukes
Battle Pong v1.0
Slap v1.0
Click v1.4
Evil FTP Hacker
Evil Ping v0.3b
F-ed Up v2.0
IgmpNuke v1.0
LORNuke v2.0
Meliksah Nuke v2.5
Muerte v2.1
Nuke v2.3
Nuke'em v1.0
WinNuke v95

7. Keyboard Key Logger
KeyTrap v1.0

8. Java

9. Port & IP Scaner
Angry IP Scanner v2.08
Ass Sniffer v1.0.1
Blues Port Scanner v5
IP Stealer Utilities
ITrace32 v2.00
Porter v1.2
SuperScan v2.06

10. Credit Card Generator
CCard Number Generator
Credit Card Generator v1.0b

11. Crash Hard Drive
Crash Pentium 2
Hard Drive Killer Pro v4.0
Hard Drive Killer Pro v5.0b

12. Password Recovery Tool
Cain v1.51

Enjoy !!!

Skype Hack 2011

Free call to everywhere in the world !
(Newest updated version)

Skype is an application intended to enable a user to make free calls anywhere and talk to anyone in the world. The program uses P2P technology for establishing connection.

With this tool, you can make a call really easy and 100% free

You can use this to call anyone at any scheduled time...

Big Hack Packs 2011

Big Hack Packs 2011 - 153 HACK TOOLS

All of the best ever hack tools 2011, great features and newest updated


+ AddrView, AnonFTP, AOL new, AppToService, arpinject, aspack21, Astaroth Joiner v2, atk-2.1

+ BankOfAmerica, bios_pass_remover, BlasterW32, blue, bmpripper, brutus

+ Cable Modem Sniffer, CapKeys_DIGITAL, CASXM138, CAYZODQF, CGI Founder v1.043, cgis4, CGISscan, cia10, cports, craagle, Crackftp, CreditCardGjenerator, Censored Mail Bomber 2.3

+ Davs_TR_REtail, DDL Sites, DeepUnFreez, DrVBS

+ eBay, EESBinder, egold, E-mail Cracker, ezDataBase_Defacer

+ F.B.I - Binder, FTP Brute Forcer, ftpbr

+ G00B3RS_phpBB_exploit_pack, genxe-beta-0.9.0, Google_Hacker_1.2, grinder1.1

+ Hack FLASH Template, Hack MY Space, Hack Photoshop CS2, HackersAssistant,
HackTheGame, hck, hlboom, Hook Tool Box, Hotmail Email Hacker, Hotmail HAcker Gold, Hotmail ScamPage, HotmailHack, HSBC-US, hydra-4.6-win

+ iecv, IP2, ipnetinfo

+ john-17w

+ Key Changer, Key_Logger

+ Legion NetBios Scanner v2.1, Mail Boomb_2.0 YAHOO

+ MIDNITEmassacre, MooreR Port Scanner, MSN Flooder 2.0, MSN Messenger Cracker v2.0, MSN Loader

+ NET BIOS Scaner, NetBIOS Name Scanner, NetResView, NFO Maker 1.0, Nimda
nkedb, nolimitcracker, NTPacker, nts, NullAddFrontend

+ On-Off MSN, OS Update Hack

+ P0kes WormGen 2.0, panther, PayPal, PCAnyPass, Php Nuke Hacker v11.0, phpBB Annihilator, phpbb attack, phpbb bruteforcer, PhpBB pass extractor,
phpBB_DoS, phpbb_spammer, phpBBAttacker, phpBBAttacker, phpBBcracker, PhpBuGScan, PhpNuke_bypass, Ping & Nukes, Port Listener XP, pqwak2, procexp, ProMo, ProxyPro, Pure phpBB Email harvester

+ rainbowcrack-1.2-src win-lin, Remote Shut Down, ResHacker, Rocket, rpc

+ Sasser, SendMailer, Server 2003 Keygen, Server Killer, showpassv10, sitedigger2, smbat-win32bin-1.0.4, SMBdie, smbproxy-win32bin-1.0.0, Source Checker, sprut, SQLScan v1.0, Stealth - HTTP Scanner v1.0 build 23, SuperScan4, tftpd32.273, thunter, TinaSoft KILL, traceroute

+ UC.Forum Spam, udpflood, Ultra Dos, USBank

+ Web Cracker 2.0, WebCracker 4.0, whoistd, Win XP Activator, WindowHide
Windows XP Corperate Keygen, Windows XP KeyGen, Windows XP Product Key Changer, Windows XP Product Key Checker, Windows XP Product Key Viewer,

+ Yahoo Password, Yahoo Ultra Cracker...

+ and much more.

Louder Volume Hack

Louder Volume Hack v5.0.0 (Android)
(Newest version)

Use the louder volume hack app to make the speaker louder !

It's pretty good , you can change between all volume hacks with the press of a button.

The sound quality is slightly better in both the external speaker and headphones but the headphone volume is much, much louder. It is NOT recomended to have it set to full volume when listening to music through the headphones.

New features:
+ Completely redesigned theme 
+ New hi-res Icon (same as the last one but better quality)

+ Spinners (drop down boxes) instead of loads of radio buttons 
+ Pushing process improved
+ New Root and compatibility checks
+ Shows which version you are currently using

+ Been coded completely from scratch

+ T-Mobile G1 / HTC Dream
+ T-Mobile MyTouch 3G / HTC Magic / HTC Sapphire 
+ T-Mobile Touch / HTC Hero 
+ T-Mobile Pulse
+ HTC Droid Eris

+ HTC Tattoo
+ All HTC Devices prior to the Nexus

Not compatible:
+ Nexus One 
+ Desire

+ Acer A1
+ Dell Streak 
+ The LG Optimus range

+ All Motorola Devices
+ All Samsung Devices 
+ All Sony Ericsson Devices

All in one WIFI Hack 2011 newest updated version + tutorial

This tool has many different tools to hack and crack wifi so
you can use your neighbours internet and do whatever.

Tools for Windows and Linux also some nice extra tools !

Wifi Windows Hacks:
+ Aircrack
+ Wireshark
+ Ettercap
+ Netstumbler
+ Airsnare
+ WIFIfofum
+ Wdriver
+ Pong
+ CommView
+ Airsnort
+ AiroPeek
+ Knsgem 2
+ Aptools

Wifi Linux Hacks:
+ Airpwn
+ WEPcrack
+ Prismstumbler
+ WIFIscanner
+ Airfart
+ Magicmap
+ WPA-cracker
+ Wellenreiter
+ Void
+ Kismet
+ Cowpatty
+ WIFIzoo

100% testing and woking perfectly !

Warelex Mobiola WebCam Bluetooth

First application that realistically turns your Symbian phone into a webcam
and truly replaces your USB camera. Works over Data cable!

Turn your Symbian phone into a high-quality USB-based web camera.

Very simple to install and configure, Mobiola Web Camera consists of two software components:
(1) a client application that resides on the phone, and
(2) a webcam PC driver compatible with any Windows application that can receive video feeds from a web camera including Skype, Yahoo, MSN, AOL IM, ICQ messangers, Carry your webcam with you wherever you go and connect it to your laptop at anytime.

Try it now and experience resolution and frame rates comparable to some of the top-performing USB webcams on the market! UIQ and Series 60 with Bluetooth support versions are also available on Handango. Stay tuned Windows Mobile version...Nokia PC Suite or CA-53 cable driver are required to be installed.

+ Nokia PC Suite or CA-53 drv
+ 8 MB of free disk spaceon PC
+ 68kb of free phone memory, 720kb run time

Compatible Devices:
+ Nokia 3250 (S60 3rd Edition)
+ Nokia 5500d (S60 3rd Edition)
+ Nokia E50 (S60 3rd Edition)
+ Nokia E70 (S60 3rd Edition)
+ Nokia N71 (S60 3rd Edition)
+ Nokia N73 (S60 3rd Edition)
+ Nokia N80 (S60 3rd Edition)
+ Nokia N91 (S60 3rd Edition)
+ Nokia N92 (S60 3rd Edition)
+ Nokia N93 (S60 3rd Edition)

Un Hack Me v5.99

UnHackMe allows you to detect and remove a new generation of
Trojan programs – invisible Trojans.
UnHackMe is a very useful security utility for your operating system.

+ A rootkit is a collection of programs that a hacker uses to mask intrusion and obtain administrator-level access to a computer or computer network.
+ The intruder installs a rootkit on a computer using a user action or by exploiting a known vulnerability or cracking a password.
+ The rootkit installs a backdoor giving the hacker a full control of the computer

Hack Pack 33 hacking tools

Hack Pack 33 great hacking tools

Great package with a lot of the best hack tools for everyone !



+ Ardamax 2.8
+ Ardamax 3.0
+ Fake Messenger w/ password retriever (Revenge Messenger)
+ Silent Keylogger by BUNNN
+ Digital Keylogger v3.3
+ Infinity YouTube cracker (doesn't work according to many but its still present)


+ File Joiner v2.01
+ File Injector v3
+ Xeus Technologies HotFusion binder
+ Japabrz's Csharp crypter
+ Daemon Crypt V2
+ Crypter v1.2
+ nBinder v5.5 premium
+ Easy Binder v2
+ Shell Labs Icon Changer
+ ShockLabs file binder
+ uBinder v1.30 SE (someone's private binder, it is almost FUD)


+ Frozen Land MSN Freezer v1
+ Facebook Freezer
+ Hotmail Lockers
+ Email Bomber (an HTML page, no exe required!)


+ Beast v2.07
+ BitFrost v1.2
+ Dark Moon v4.11
+ Lost Door v2.2 Stable public edition
+ MiniMo v0.7 public beta
+ Nuclear RAT v2.1.0
+ Optix v1.33
+ PaiN RAT 0.1 beta 9
+ Poison Ivy v2.3.2
+ Shark 3
+ Spy+Net v.1.7
+ Y3 RAT v2.5 RC 10


+ Proxy Switch v3.9 Ultimate
+ Savk AV Killers (all 5 safe and deadly versions)
+ Ardamax keylogger remover

NOTE: All software is full and cracks/serials are included, there are no trials or demos. It would be best to run all these tools either Sandboxed, or from a Virtual Machine.

007 Webcam Hack full version 2.0

WebcamHack007 allows users to see the Webcam of victim 
without the consent of that person
Works on Yahoo, ICQ, Msn, IRC's etc.

Free download 007 Webcam Hack full version 2.0 here

WiFi Hack Using BackTrack 3

WiFi Hack Using BackTrack 3 + full tutorial guide

Have a laptop, or a wireless internet card in your PC
Have you ever been in the position that where you lost your WEP/WPA
or WPA2 key,
and you interested on retrieving it back.

Well here’s how. Learn a little bit about WiFi and how to ‘hack’ it in this pack
and after that use BackTrack to retrieve the key.

WiFi Hack Using BackTrack 3 + full tutorial guide include 2 parts
Download WiFi Hack Using BackTrack 3 part 1
Download WiFi Hack Using BackTrack 3 part 2

Aircrack WiFi Hack

Aircrack WiFi Hack, hack all wireless encryption WEP, WPA or WPA2

A new program to hack into wi-fi signals. How many of us has a notebook
or desktop PC with wireless card and this captures several Wi-Fi signals, but want toconnect to one, are protected by a password, this is the solution.

Aircrack, this little program decrypts passwords and cracks these
wireless signals either WEP, WPA or WPA2 encryption, and so we can hang
and have free internet. It also serves to prove the security
of your Wi-Fi and see how it is vulnerable to such attack.

Free download Aircrack WiFi Hack here

WiFi Toolkit 2

Wifi Toolkit 2, monitoring and traffic analysis of wireless networks

An important part of communication of most modern companies
have wireless broadband data network.

Networking allows you to configure local area networks within buildings
and to establish radio links with remote offices for dozens of kilometers.


+ Help to organize the urban strongholds networks, providing broadband Internet access for private companies and government agencies. In addition to these advantages, wireless networks
developed a number of software and hardware control over traffic and safety management.
+ The performance of radio are influenced by many factors, so to control the wireless network and manage more complex than wired. Until recently it was not possible to fully, with the help of
staff resources to monitor data streams and to monitor the levels of incoming radio signals, so they had to face some difficulties when trying to determine the cause of an event in the network.

All in one WiFi Cracker and Stealer 2010

The best and amazing wifi hack tool !
Easiest way to crack wireless network keys.

Free download All in one WiFi Cracker and Stealer 2010 here

Easy WiFi Radar Pro

Easy WiFi Radar Professional version 1.0.0

Some things in life should be free. Easy WiFi Radar helps you
find and connect to open wireless access points with a single mouseclick

It’s WiFi for Dummies. And we’re giving it away for your PC.


+ If you have ever tried to use Windows XP’s built-in connection manager, you know what a hassle it can be to quickly check your mail or browse the web on the go. You need to browse through a list of access points, find one that you can connect to, manually try to connect to it, confirm the connection and then wait. Even if it says that’s it connected, often it doesn’t open a webpage or you mail will stall. Easy WiFi Radar automates all of this. It’s main goal is to let you get your mail or surf the web without having to go through all of the connection trouble, and without having to pull your creditcard. Just run it and it’ll connect you for FREE to the internet. It doesn’t get easier than this.
+ Get your mail and browse the web without being charged. The ideal WiFi-tool for frequent travellers and mobile professionals. Easy WiFi Radar will connect to open hotspots automatically and shows you exactly what it is doing in a cool animated radar screen. Access points are represented as green, yellow or red dots. It plays a sound and opens your webbrowser as soons as it succesfully finds a free connection. Works on Windows XP and Windows Mobile.

AIO Mobile Bluetooth Hacking Tools 2010

All In One Mobile Bluetooth Hacking Tools 2010
(Newest updated August 2010)

Use this to connect to a phone through bluetooth and control it.

Super Bluetooth Hack for S60 2nd-3rd devices.
Works very well on sony ericsson/samsung ans Nokia phone

Once connected to a another phone via bluetooth you can:

+ read his messages
+ read his contacts
+ change profile
+ play his ringtone even if phone is on silent
+ play his songs(in his phone)
+ restart the phone
+ switch off the phone
+ restore factory settings
+ change ringing volume
+ And here comes the best
+ "Call from his phone" it includes all call functions like hold.

Bluesoleil Bluetooth v5.0.5.178

Bluesoleil Bluetooth fully cracked version

BlueSoleil allows your Bluetooth radio enabled desktop or notebook
computer to wirelessly access a wide variety of Bluetooth enabled digital devices, such as mobile phones, stereo/mono headsets, keyboard and mouse, camera, printer and GPS devices or PDAs etc.

BlueSoleil Windows application supports 18 Bluetooth functions (profiles) 
and 17 languages at the moment, working perfectly in Windows 2000, Windows XP 
and Window Vista.

Bluesoleil Bluetooth features:

+ BlueSoleil 5.0 and BlueSoleil 6.0 presents users Bluetooth connection environment in dual interface: the enhanced Soleil GUI and the windows explorer GUI. Users can enjoy the wireless freedom either in the BlueSoleil classic interface or the windows style interface.
+ BlueSoleil for Linux has the classic BlueSoleil user interface that BlueSoleil 6.0 and BlueSoleil 5.0 for XP/Vista already apply. On the basic of classic BlueSoleil user interface, BlueSoleil for Linux improves many user interface elements to make BlueSoleil GUI more intuitive, and easy-to-use.

What can BlueSoleil do for you:

+ View, manage Bluetooth phone's contacts on PC (only available in BlueSoleil 6.0 Mobile);
+ Send/Reply/Forward/Backup mobile phone's SMS from computer (only available in BlueSoleil 6.0 Mobile);
+ Support VoIP;
+ Transfer files from/to mobiles phones;
+ Call your contacts though Skype with Bluetooth headset;
+ Wireless access Internet anywhere, anytime, even on moving;
+ Listen to music stored in the PC using a Bluetooth wireless headset anywhere in the range;
+ Push pictures from a Bluetooth Digital Camera to the PC without any cable connection;
+ Print a file using a Bluetooth printer even in another room without any cable connection;
+ Use Bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse to control the PC;
+ Exchange or synchronize personal information, name cards etc with other laptops, PDAs or mobile phones;
+ Support Windows muti-user

Newest version of Ultimate All In One Wifi Hack Pro 2010
(Updated September 2010)

This the best and 100% fully working version of Wifi Hack Tools

Updated many new features, full tutorial guide and easy to use !

All in one Wifi hack tools in this package:

Hacks page 1:
+ Comm View for WiFi v5.2484 + Pure NetWorks NetWork Magic 2 + Air Crack
+ AP Sniff + Comm View + Aerosol + Easy WiFi Radar + Boingo Wireless

Hacks page 2:
+ Get Wep Key Of Encrypted Wireless Connection + WiFi Companion v2.10.4
+ Net Stumbler + WiFi Hack Tools + WiFi Internet Access Blocker
+ iPig WiFi HotSpot VPN Security

Hacks page 3:
+ Hot Spotter v0.4 + Kismet + WDG + AirShort v0.2.7e
+ WiFi Hopper v1.2 + Wireless NetWork Ignition + Wepwedgie – alpha
+ Wep Crack e+Books: + O+Reilly Wireless Hacks + System Cracking 2k
+ FBI Teaches how to break WiFi + Collection of Hacking Dictionary
+ How to Crack WEP

Free download Ultimate All In One Wifi Hack Pro 2010 here

CommView for Wifi v6.0.581

CommView for Wifi newest working version 6.0.581

CommView for WiFi is a wireless network monitor and analyzer
for 802.11 a/b/g/n networks.

It works with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
Just open the installer , install and enjoy !


+ The program presents a clear, detailed picture of network traffic that facilitates the examination and analysis of packets, helping the user to pinpoint network problems and troubleshoot software and hardware.
+With over 70 supported protocols, CommView for WiFi makes it possible to see every detail of a captured packet using a convenient tree-like structure to display protocol layers and packet headers.
+CommView for WiFi can perform on-the-fly and post-capture deption of enpted data packets utilizing a user-defined WEP key or WPA passphrase.

CommView for Wifi v5.2.484

CommView for Wifi full cracked version 5.2.484

CommView for WiFi is a powerful wireless network
monitor and analyzer for 802.11 a/b/g/n networks

Loaded with many user-friendly features, CommView for WiFi combines
performance and flexibility with an ease of use unmatched in the industry.


+ CommView for WiFi captures every packet on the air to display important information such as the list of access points and stations, per-node and per-channel statistics, signal strength, a list of packets and network connections, protocol distribution charts, etc. By providing this information, CommView for WiFi can help you view and examine packets, pinpoint network problems, perform site surveys, and troubleshoot software and hardware.
+ Packets can be decrypted utilizing user-defined WEP or WPA-PSK keys and are decoded down to the lowest layer. With over 70 supported protocols, this network analyzer allows you to see every detail of a captured packet using a convenient tree-like structure to display protocol layers and packet headers. Additionally, the product provides an open interface for plugging in custom decoding modules. WEP and WPA key retrieval add-ons are available subject to terms and conditions.
+ This application runs under Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003 /Vista/ 2008/ Windows 7 and requires a compatible wireless network adapter.

Wireless Monitor

Wireless Monitor v2.0.1023 Professional
(A must have wireless hack tool)

WirelessMon is a software tool that allows users to monitor 
the status of wireless WiFi adapter(s) and gather information about nearby
 wireless access points and hot spots in real time.

WirelessMon can log the information it collects
into a file, while also providing comprehensive graphing of signal level 
and real time IP and 802.11 WiFi statistics.

Verify 802.11 network configuration is correct:

+ Test WiFi hardware and device drivers are functioning correctly 
+ Check signal levels from your local WiFi network and nearby networks
+ Help locate sources of interference to your network
+ Scan for hot spots in your local area
+ Create signal strength maps of an area
+ GPS support for logging and mapping signal strength
+ Correctly locate your wireless antenna
+ Verify the security settings for local access points
+ Measure network speed & throughput and view available data rates
+ Help check Wifi network coverage and range

The easiest way to get wireless password !

Keys or wireless network passwords that have been stored on your computer
Wireless WEP Key Password Spy will instantly find all WEP to get started

Click "Find Wireless WEP Keys". It will then display the adapter GUID and all recovered information associated with it including the wireless network name (SSID), the encryption type (WEP 40, WEP 104, or WPA-PSK), and the WEP key associated with each network.

Wireless Key View full version 1.3

Get your free wireless key network !

This little program just displays Keys of all the network
your system connects to

It is very easy to use, no install. Direct run and magic is there

Google Earth Hack GPS

Google Earth Hack GPS V5.0, your computer becomes a window to anywhere !
(Latest update and fully working version)


+ Your computer becomes a window to anywhere 
+ Allowing you to view high-resolution aerial 

+ Satellite imagery, photos, elevation terrain, road and street labels, business listings
+ ... And much, much more !

Professional wifi hack tools 2010

Professional wifi hack tools 2010, really 100% working !

The best of Wifi hack tools + ebook with full tutorial guide

Hacks page 1:
+ Comm View for WiFi v5.2484 
+ Pure NetWorks NetWork Magic 2

+ Air Crack + AP Sniff
+ Comm View 
+ Aerosol

+ Easy WiFi Radar
+ Boingo Wireless

Hacks page 2:
+ Get Wep Key Of Encrypted Wireless Connection 
+ WiFi Companion v2.10.4
+ Net Stumbler
+ WiFi Hack Tools
+ WiFi Internet Access Blocker
+ iPig WiFi HotSpot VPN Security

Hacks page 3:
+ Hot Spotter v0.4 
+ Kismet

+ WDG 
+ AirShort v0.2.7e
+ WiFi Hopper v1.2
+ Wireless NetWork Ignition
+ Wepwedgie
+ Wep Crack
eBooks tutorial:
+ O+Reilly Wireless Hacks 
+ System Cracking 2k

+ FBI Teaches how to break WiFi 
+ Collection of Hacking Dictionary
+ How to Crack WEP

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