All CO.CC Domains are Banned By Google
were abusing domains as they were free.Google stated that most of the websites that were built using domains were spammy and they add no value to internet.But some of the genuine bloggers also suffered due to this google crackdown.
In order to fight spam more effectively google has banned all websites with co.ccdomains.People
See screenshots website with is ranking in google.
Matt Cutts,the head of the google spam team wrote following on his google+ account
“First, a definition: a “freehost” is a domain that will let anyone register a site on that domain. There’s lots and lots of high-quality freehosts out there ( comes to mind).”
“We absolutely do try to be granular, but I wanted to mention that if we see a very large fraction of sites on a specific freehost be spammy or low-quality, we do reserve the right to take action on the freehost as a whole. I think most savvy search/SEO folks would understand this completely, but I figure it’s better to over-communicate than under-communicate.”
What you should do if you have a legit website with CO.CC Domain?
If you have a legit website then you should purchase a .com or .net domain.You can buy it from Godaddy for 12$ per year.
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